Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I don’t write much. That is one of the fun things about having a blog. There is no obligation, but I can do it whenever I feel like it. There is something strange about writing and knowing all of about six people are reading it. At the same time, there is this confession-like feeling. It is hard for me to write without making it personal, yet knowing it is open for the whole world to read.

I guess in the larger sense, the lure of the internet--the ability for people to be somewhat anonymous and face-less, but at the same time incredibly exposed and public--is changing our society forever. It is a strange dichotomy. On one hand, people are becoming more anti-social, giving up some of their daily personal contact, only to bury their faces into computer screens. On the other hand, people are creating networks and interacting with people all over the world. In that sense, people are more social than ever. It is pretty schizophrenic, really.

Social interaction is my favorite part about doing a blog. The comments people add to my entries are usually better thought out than my initial blog. (For instance, see Budsy Jean's comment to my last blog.) In fact, I think it is a shame the comment section is so hidden.

That has given me an idea. What if I have “guest” bloggers? I wonder if those commenting (like Budsy Jean, Marna, and Ming) would have any interest in doing an occasional entry? It would make this a bit more interactive and allow people to hear about something other than my favorite subject, myself.

Any interest?


Carolyn said...

I think that sounds like a great idea....I always read the comments..

Budsy Jean said...

Sorry. I haven’t had a nice amount of time to read. I guess I don’t mind guest writing a blog or two. My life in Nisswa isn’t nearly as exciting as most people’s lives, and I live a more isolated life here than I did in the Cities. But, I’m willing to try. Just let me know when you want a guest blogger and I’ll give it a go. Maybe I can write about ice fishing and how I believe that ice shanties reflect the personalities of the person fishing, with some photos for examples. Or, how ecstatically happy I was that the Patriots lost the Super Bowl. I was just about as happy that they lost, as I would have been if the Vikings had won. (That is pretty happy!) Or, the overwhelmingly positive affect the State of Minnesota and Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s tremendous “victory” in the same landmark litigation has had on various affairs in the fair State of Minnesota. (Please note sarcasm!)

I don’t know. I’m pretty boring.

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