Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What the . . .

So, will our fine government soon be telling us what health care treatments we can receive and what treatments are disallowed? Is government qualified to be 'judge and jury' when it comes to our healthcare? Will my Mom have to give up her osteoporosis medicine because she is old and the government says she should just deal with the ailments that come with age? Does our fine government realize that it might cost money to keep the elderly on their medications for their various ailments attributed to aging, but it costs far more to put them in nursing centers, which will happen much earlier if the elderly aren’t treated for their ailments?

How much are we willing to concede to ‘save’ an economy and make sure that everyone has their own ‘bathroom’? (That is a play on a woman who spoke at an Obama rally yesterday.)

Are any of our fine Senators and Representatives reading this stimulus bill? If they are, how could anyone vote this through Congress. What the . . . .

Read this article, and you might gain some insight.


dane said...

Great article. It is so sad to see so many people willing to give up their liberty so they can be "saved" by the government. The Neo-cons used fear of "terrorism" to apply police-state security on us and now the Liberals are using the fear of the "free market" to apply government control on all aspects of our economy.

I fear the Bush/Obama years are going to be the greatest assault on individual liberty in our nation's history. The big government (Neo-con/Liberal) one-two punch unfortunately continues it's reign.

Scott M. Accatino said...

Just curious - Can you give me one example of a single American citizen that lost a constitutionsl liberty during the Bush years? I'd be interested in the name of the court case and the outcome of that case.

My greatest fears are the turn towards Socialism and a let-up on our vigilance against Islamic terrorism. One destroys the human spirit, and the other, well, just humans.

dane said...

You really want to throw me a softball question like that?

Let's start with the obvious, Jose Padilla: no charges, no trial, just jail.

Then Bush gave us the Nazi TSA, The (Anti-) Patriot Act, and the government watchlist to keep good tabs on, the terrorists.

Since habeas corpus was getting in his way, Bush then pushed to eliminate it with the Military Commissions Act.

Then, of course, there is how the Bush administration violated the Fourth Amendment. You know, the silly one about "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." But I guess that pesky Constitution doesn't apply to Neo-con Republican Presidents...

Bush also felt torture was as American as apple pie. Of course, now Obama seems fine with it, too.

Then wire tapping US citizens
seemed like a good idea as well. Bush didn't even bother to use the courts for that.

Liberty? We don't need no stinking liberty. We need the government to protect us. (I am being facetious, btw.)

Would you like me to go on?

DC said...

Great response about Bush's policies.

"My greatest fears are the turn towards Socialism and a let-up on our vigilance against Islamic terrorism. One destroys the human spirit, and the other, well, just humans."

Correction: they both kill humans. Ever heard of Stalin?

So true. I fear the government taking over health care, its so obvious that once they have control over that they can justify controlling any aspect of someones life. I have full faith that we can combat this government overreach through simple nonprofits. If this were a time of prosperity and people were donating money to funds (by choice) to pay for healthcare for those who cannot afford it, it would be much more dificult to ram the legislation through the way they are. I want to write a longer post about this sometime in the future, hope you guys like the idea of it tho.

David Carlson Politics

Budsy Jean said...

I just can't figure out what this is doing in the stimulus package. What does this have to do with economic stimulus? It simply is the first step in the rocky road to nationalized health care.

Thanks for sneaking that in!

I thought that this administration was going to be different. No more 'pork' - no more secretly sneaking pet projects into bills.

Same stuff - different package.

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