I have been posting on The National Party Times for over three years. Like most things, I feel this has run its course. As I explore some other more collaborative outlets for my poor writing skills, I will probably stop posting here.
While the new potential projects are likely to be less introspective (and hopefully better written -- I really am a Photoshop guy after all), I will miss exercising my personal experiences and thoughts into words. (See: The Hawaiian Tour Guide Part I and Part II.) I will also miss trying to convince everyone how damn smart I am.(See: More Thoughts on Bill Gates -- via Milton Friedman.) I will also miss the guest posts. (See: I think Mark Twain knew what he was doing by Brother Dan; What the Heck is a Duck Fart? by Budsy Jean; or Sarah Palin is a twit! by Marna.)
Thanks for sharing some of your time with me over the last three years. It has been fun. Now it is time for something new.