Well, I haven't blogged much lately, been to busy dealing with life, but I will get back on this more often after the holidays I am sure. For now, let me just rap about a few general things I have been thinking about.
I just received a great Christmas gift, Ron Paul's The Revolution, A Manifesto. Amazingly, although I have been a Ron Paul fan for awhile, I haven't gotten around to reading it, so it was a great gift. I can't wait to find some time to read it.
Speaking of books, another on my to-read list is a ten year old book by Virginia Postrel, The Future and It's Enemies. I heard her speak on CSPAN a few years ago. She calls herself a Dynamist. I am a Dynamist, too.

I have also been diggin' a Canadian Band called the Stills. Check out their song, Being Here.
(This is the ONLY place you will find Ron Paul's Revolution and The Stills IN THE SAME BLOG POST!)
And finally, a Top Ten Video worth knowing...
Well, if I don't get another chance, have a Merry Christmas...
Merry Christmas Dane!
I hope you start blogging more, I miss your posts (I have been slacking a lot since Thanksgiving myself) and great to hear you got the revolution! Hope you enjoy it, I definitely did. I hope to read it a second time sometime in the next six months.
David Carlson Politics
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