I am trying to put together my list of favorite music that I’ve stumbled upon this year. As many of you know, this has been a pretty dramatic year in the craziness that is my life, so this year’s soundtrack will be a memorable one. I am being particularly picky on my song selection because I know in the years ahead, some of these songs will bring back floods of memories, good and bad, happy and sad. I gotta get ‘em right this year.
I haven’t finalized my list yet, in part, because I am still stumbling on new stuff. There are a couple weeks left in the year, after all. In fact, just this morning, I downloaded Jackson Browne’s latest album, Time The Conqueror and immediately fell in love with the song “Just Say Yeah”. It will make the list...
Anyway, if your interested in getting “my 2008 list”, email me your mailing address. Of course, if you don’t have my email address, you are out of luck. Then again, that probably just means that you don’t know me well enough to care about what songs I have found anyway.
I will be snail mailing my list to all that respond to me sometime between Christmas and New Years.
Send it to me! Send it to me! I'm hoping to get your Christmas card off this weekend, then you'll have my mailing address if you don't already!!!
Me, too! I'll send you my mailing address. Hooray! I could go in the poor house buying music.
Please send me your list. If you don't have my address you are in big trouble.
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