While visiting Shanghai a few years ago, I had a conversation with a Chinese tour guide. He asked me what I did for a living and I explained how I touched up pictures all day that went into magazines. He didn’t quite get it until we happened to drive by the Ritz Carlton. Then I proudly explained how my name was in every room of that hotel, more precisely, in the publishing credits at the front of every Ritz Carlton in-room magazine. We had a good chuckle about how I am almost famous.
Playing in Photoshop is a wonderful way to make a living. But processing thoughts and writing them down is my mental release. It is not the act of writing I like. After all, my spelling sucks, my grammar sucks, and my sentence structure often makes no sense. It is the process of condensing my thoughts into words that I love. I do pictures for a living, but writing is my hobby. That is why I do this blog. Although few people read it, that is not the point. Writing is an exercise to give voice to those crazy thoughts that occasionally wake me up at three in the morning. They say people who don’t dream will eventually go crazy, that dreams are a way for our minds to purge all the nonsense swimming around in our brains. Well, I guess that is how writing thoughts into words works for me. It keeps me from going crazy.
So last week when my brother Bubba felt it worthy to use my post-election blog post in his weekly newspaper column, it reminded me of my conversation with my driver in Shanghai. I may have my name in the publishing credits of every in-room magazine in every Ritz Carlton in every major city on this planet, but seeing my words in a small weekly newspaper in northern Minnesota was every bit as thrilling. Thanks Bubba.
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