Well, I had the privilege of spending the weekend with the Apple iPad. We have a loaner program going on at work, allowing employees to spend some time with the new gadget. Most of the reviews have been pretty good.
I also found it a very enjoyable way to consume content, especially books and magazines.
I do have issues, though. I don’t think it is something I would take to the beach with me or generally want to keep track of when traveling. And after being on a computer for ten hours a day at work, I find my eyes need a break from screen fatigue. So I don’t currently have a dire need for such a device.
I have other misgivings as well. Many of the things I like about the internet are Flash-based and the iPad does not support Flash. Apple may have good reasons for this, but that does not change the fact that Flash is every where. For instance, I went to Hulu.com to check out some movies, but no-could-do since their site is Flash-based.
I also find the whole App Store concept some-what annoying. I went to my Pandora page, but couldn’t use it on the iPad until I loaded the “App” for it. Since this iPad was not mine, I could not do so. Why do we need apps for things that we can easily link to directly through the host’s website? This seems to be more about marketing "apps" on Apple’s part than something built for consumer efficiency-of-use and convenience. (But that just might be me ...and besides, I am all for marketing. That is how I make my living.)
Also, $500? Really? Look, I am an Apple fanboy. I love all things Apple and I expect to pay a premium. But with all the current limitations, no killer app, and first edition sticker price, I will be waiting. Honestly, I find it amazing that over one million of these things have already been sold. I, for one, probably won’t get one until it’s price is way less than half of what it is now, or until it finds a killer app that makes it indispensable. Although I have owned over a dozen Apple products over the last two decades, this one is pretty low on my radar right now. Maybe in a couple of years...
Really my problem may be what I didn’t take home with me this weekend. I left my laptop with the IT guys so they could load the Adobe CS5 Master Suite. The Master Suite contains Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Extended, Illustrator® CS5, InDesign® CS5, Acrobat® 9 Pro, Flash® Catalyst™ CS5, Flash Professional CS5, Flash Builder™ 4, Dreamweaver® CS5, Fireworks® CS5, Contribute® CS5, Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5 (with Adobe OnLocation™ CS5 and Encore® CS5), After Effects® CS5, Soundbooth® CS5, and more. Now those are some killer apps...
I just hope Apple and Adobe can kiss and make up. I would hate to see more of their hardware and software become less compatible.
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