Well, my family’s old newspaper, The North Star News -- which was sold over a decade ago, but is still edited by my brother Bubba -- has finally joined the ranks of the new internet age. The North Star News, which serves the upper northwestern corner of Minnesota, now offers an online version for subscription.
It is amazing how newspapers have had to adapt and change, sometimes leaving a wake of laid-off editors and beat writers. Transforming from a print-only pub and getting online to compete with every yahoo blogger like me has not been pretty, especially for the bigger daily papers.
For the more localized small weeklies, the internet seems more inviting. There is less competition, fewer sources for people to get their local news. There also seems to be less demand for up-to-the second updates that the dailies have to dispense in order to compete with other timely outlets like television and the internet.
If you are from my old neck of the woods, check it out here. If you choose to subscribe, make sure you select the correct paper, as parent company, Page1Publications is heading into new territory, offering all four of it’s regional newspapers online on the same site.
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