People often dislike "Conservatives" because they are hypocritical.
One, they say they believe in people's rights, yet legislate to control people, who they can marry, what they do in their bedrooms, what they can put into their bodies, etc. And two, they say they believe in smaller government, yet, when in charge, grow the national debt faster than their opposition on the left. Their imperialistic military expansion and international interventionism grows the size and scope of government faster than anyone on the left could hope to do on their own.
These "Conservatives" are not Conservatives, at least not in the historic sense. They are Neo-cons. And people should dislike them. They are the greatest rapers of liberty this country has ever seen. Both the left and Neo-cons are evil, but at least those on the left admit to wanting to use the government to control you.
This video sums up the difference between the two "Conservative" camps. After viewing this, you will better understand why I view Bush's Neo-cons and Obama's legions in the same light. They are both Big Government philosophies intent on taking away individual rights and expanding the size of government.
"Ideology is such a powerful force that it has propped up policy inconsistency for more than a century. The left has a massive agenda for the state at home, and yet complains bitterly, with shock and dismay, that the same tools are used to start wars and build imperial structures abroad. The right claims to want to restrain government at home (at least in some ways) while whooping it up for war and global reconstruction abroad.
It doesn't take a game-theory genius to predict how this conflict works itself out in the long run. The left and right agree to disagree on intellectual grounds but otherwise engage in a dangerous quid pro quo. They turn a blind eye to the government they don't like so long as they get the government they do like." -Lew Rockwell intro to Ron Paul's A Foreign Policy of Freedom
The key is, they both want to use government to expand their agendas, doing so in the name of protecting their constituencies, while ignoring the rights of all people.
I am against any side that uses the government to try to control and impede anyone's individual rights, even those I may disagree with on personal or moral grounds. Thankfully, the Bush era has ended, but the rise of Obama does not make us any freer. Get ready to be bombarded by the other Big Government philosophy.
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