I also read last week that Apple is lifting it’s DRM off of what it sells on iTunes. More freedom is always a good thing in my book. And, although the music industry has suffered by trying to keep up with all the technology changes, in the end, it is ushering in an incredibly diverse world of opportunity for music fans. More music, more freedom, means more money to be made by all involved.
When a couple of my friends convinced me to joined Facebook a year or so ago, there weren’t too many people I knew on there and those I did were mostly co-workers from the twenty and thirty-something crowds.
My, how things have changed. As every month rolls by, my friend list gets older and older. Facebook is a great example of how a new technology is adopted over time. It starts with the young ‘uns. There is something about new technology that young people can more readilly accept than older folks. And if it is cool enough, over time, the old folks slowly, but surely start showing up. The evolution has been fun to watch.
If you haven’t friended me yet, join up. If you only know me by reading this blog, be sure to tell me about it in the message part of your friend request.
Well, now I am off to find me a twenty something to help me figure out how this twitter thing works...

I am also still trying to figure out this 2D Barcode thing. I'll be updating you more on that down the road, I am sure...
Have a great weekend.
The beauty about having all of this diverse music on the web is that anyone who has an internet connection has access to this vast library of music.
This might be a bit off track, but remember saving your hard earned money for that all important trip to TRF or Grand Forks so that you could buy a few '45's', or LP's, if you really saved your money for a long time? Or, becoming a member in those horrible music clubs to get as much free music as possible, only to end up spending more than you should?
As I think about it, I guess, in some ways I appreciated the music more then - savored it a little more - than I do now. Now, it is so easy just to purchase it from iTunes or other sources of your choosing. If I don't really like it, oh well! I'll buy something else. How spoiled we are! What blessings we have!
By the way, the CD you sent is GREAT! LOVE IT! I wouldn't expect less from a Herman and the Puppies aficionado.
I think you are right on about the "appreciation" level. To a certain degree, I "learned" to like music when I was a kid because I had my hard-earned money tied into it and probably wasn't going to be able to make another trip to GF or TRF for a month or so. It gave me time to listen to something multiple times before giving up on it...Even now, I tend to go back and listen to things multiple times, knowing that I have historically "learned" to like things this way...
Glad you enjoyed my disc...
BTW- I would love to see your observations about the inauguration. Would make a great post....
Just for you, I'll blog about the inauguration on Friday. I've made no plans for the weekend, except a T-Wolves game on Sunday, in order to prepare for the following weekend. Can't wait!
I've really attempted to view Obama's pre-inauguration work and work to date as open mindedly as possible. I don't know if my opinions are necessarily interesting, but I guess they are mine! :-)
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