Saturday, October 4, 2008

I Don't Care

I know it may sound defeatist, but I really don't care who wins the White House in November. The closer it gets, the more I realize the two most likely choices are worthless. A wise man (Bruce Cockburn) once said, "everybody wants justice...they just want it done onto somebody else." I think that sums up the finger pointing the Dems and Repubs spend most of their time wallowing in.

Every four years, I feel like I am reliving a political version of Groundhog Day, listening to similar politicians spouting the same rhetoric and the same talking heads filling us with useless information that has nothing to do with fixing any of our nation's problems.

But, I do have to say, I have made my decision of who I am voting for this year. I am writing in Ron Paul. I regret I didn't support him when it really mattered. I won't make that mistake again. He is the only politician that dares to demand that we take responsibility for ourselves and our own actions. That responsibility is not a burden. It is what allows us the liberty to freely pursue our own happiness.

The Dems are partially right about civil liberty (except when it doesn't fit their agenda) and the Repubs are partially right about economic liberty (except they seem to more frequently vote the other way). Civil liberty, economic liberty. Why can't we have both?

Most of this country's problems derive from a lack of anyone taking any responsibility for themselves. Take the current financial crisis. Taxpayers are bailing out a bunch of greedy institutions that will fail if not propped up by government. They SHOULD fail. That is how capitalism works. Economically unsound institutions SHOULD be allowed to perish so that better ones can take their place. Instead, the government is going to use your money to prop up crappy, greedy, unfit institutions that do not deserve to exist another day. If they were allowed to fail, would the economy suffer? Yes. But by not letting them fail, we are setting ourselves up for an even bigger crisis down the road. And no matter who takes over, Dems or Repubs, I will be the first one to be shouting "I told you so!" when it happens...


Anonymous said...

If you want to really see some finger-pointing, you can move back to Minnesota and watch the Coleman-Franken fiasco. I have yet to see one of their adds that extolls their own strengths, just what they each claim to be the weakness of the other.

Mickey may get more than one vote from me this year.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say "ads", don't know where the other "d" came from.

Budsy Jean said...

I agree, Dane. Same stuff; different year. Now, the Reps are saying Obama is affiliated with a terrorist organization, and Dems are saying McCain was one of the 'Keating 5'. It really never changes, does it?

For me, hope springs eternal, then deflates (much like my 'portfolio'), only to ‘flat line’. I find myself waiting for it all to simply end.

WCCO (CBS affiliate out of the Twin Cities) has a cute ad they display on television. It is 1 minute of a baby, sitting in its high chair, trying to eat a bowl of pasta. At the bottom of the screen, it reads ‘Political Ad Relief’, or something like that. It is nice to watch. What does that say?

60 Minutes had a very interesting segment about the economic meltdown on Wall Street. This video is really worth the watch. You will learn what a ‘Credit Default Swap’ is and what it has done to our economy. After you watch it, you will likely find yourself asking, “Why aren’t people going to jail over this?”

You'll have to 'Copy/Paste' - don't know how to put a live link in my reply.

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