I think we need a mulligan. You know, that unofficial rule in golf that allows you to do a re-do on a really bad shot as if it had never happened.
I didn't watch the last Democratic debate. This thing has just dragged out too long, and even though I have an interest in the whole political process, I am growing bored with it. Even more so, I am bored with the candidates.
A friend recently told me that Hillary's voice grates on her like finger nails on a chalk board. I have to agree. And for Barack, he seems like a nice guy, but that doesn't qualify him for the White House. After all, we supposedly picked the last President based on the fact that he seemed like a good guy to have a beer with.
And speaking of Bush, I used to really like McCain, but I lost most of my respect for him when he was unable to beat Bush out last time, then turned around and kissed his ass.
Am I the only one that wants to throw them all back? I think we need a mulligan.
I am more bored with the press. I watched the last debate. The moderators spent more time with personal issues than with substantial presidential issues.
I don't wear an American flag pin on my lapel, I am certainly not going to cast my vote on whether or not Obama does.
So, you have come around to my way of thinking, that they are all a bunch of clowns have you? If that is the case let me add a suggetion as a write in canidate. How about Ronald McDonald! Think about it. He has invaded every country in the world as far as I know and he did it with out telling any lies. He runs a great economy paying slave labor wages. We pay millions to people who play professional sports and the people like teachers we pay slave labor wages. He probably has health insurance for his employees also. We on the other hand (if I undrstood the article I read the other day correctly) alow 260,000 people to die in a single month because they were unable to get insurance to cover thier health problems. Compare that to the 5000 or so troops we have lost in Iraq and tell me what is the more important issue here. It seems to me that the choices for a candidate in my earlier years were much stronger. Even the candidates that lost seemed stronger then the clowns we are being asked to chose from this time around. So for me at this point, I say SEND IN THE CLOWN lets elect good old Ronald McDonald.
Hold on, those of you who are despairing over the protracted debacle in the Democratic party or those disillusioned with the Republican party.
I’ve heard a rumor that maybe Jesse Ventura will throw his hat in the ring.
That should help. :-|
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