My dad died over ten years ago, but I think of him often. Several days ago I explained to my wife Jan how similar dad and I were when it came to our views on people. He had a terrible memory, not a good trait for a newspaper man, but he loved people. It didn't matter who you were, he was interested in hearing your story. The crazier the character, the more he liked them, whether he had anything in common with them or not. He loved to listen and spent little time talking about himself. One of the places he did occasionally share his thoughts was in his weekly column.
When I was a teenager, he once asked me if I read it. I told him coyly that I did "when I had the time." He was amazed that someone so close to him could have so little interest in what he had to say, so little curiosity about discovering his insights on things. He was offended and I felt bad.
That is were the similarities end for my dad and me. I may not be much good at it, but I love to write. But when someone I consider a close friend recently told me she hadn't gotten around to reading my blog for a couple of months, I took no offense. That is because I realize that when a person writes something, we see it as a personal part of ourselves. We place way more importance on it than we really should. And for the most part, it is usually just a bunch of drivel anyway.
I read something somewhere that during a typical conversation, people don't really listen. They spend the time they are not talking planning what they are going to say next. That means that the person talking really isn't being listened to. I suspect that is true of all forms of communication.
So to the six of you who actually read this on a regular basis, I hope you enjoy it, get something out of it, and maybe learn and laugh a bit, too. But I take no offense if you are daydreaming about what you are going to say at the big meeting you have today while you are reading this. We all have our own thoughts to deal with.
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Sometimes writing is just an overt form of worrying.
I loved it when my father wrote, I love it when my older brother writes and I hope that Dane guy keeps it up! I never had the gift.
I love reading your blogs! It was me who said I hadn't read them in a couple of months, and I felt terrible. I also said it won't happen again, and it won't. I'm not reading your blog to be nice to you. I rarely do anything nice for anyone. I read them because I think you are a wonderfully facinating personality, and your life is way more interesting than mine.
I have never in the 40 some odd years that I've known you ever thought that what you said wasn't important. In fact, in my opinion, on many levels, you are the most creative and insightful of all of the 'Karlstadians' who still call each other 'Friend'. (Although, please note that I have consumed my 'Friday after work martini' so my judgment may be clouded somewhat.)
I, too, love to write, but have never had anyone to write to, other than myself. I've had fun writing blogs. I actually have a couple more to publish after a bit of a tune up. (No, not me being tuned up - the blog being tuned up.)
I second your brother's wish that you keep it up. I'd really be sad if it stopped!
i love it when you write as well and check almost daily. i wish i had any talent at all for writing but i can barely type, much less construct a decent sentence and properly punctuate. my wife ginny has a real knack for it, it just seems to flow for her.
it is also helping me with my one new years "revolution" as daughter kira puts it, which is to keep better connected with friends both old and new.
trying not to be so wrapped up in my own little moment in time and space and appreciate the people i've met and share a history with.
so keep it up, there may be only six of us reading now but these things seem to expand as time goes on. it is much appreciated.
Here I am. I read it too! I make time at least once a week to catch up with Dane and Ginny. I agree that both of you are great writers and bring things vividly to life for my tired old brain!
It only takes a few minutes and I always learn something new along the way!
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