Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

In these times, when it is very, very easy to find news that can make us forget that we STILL live in the best country in the world, I want to let you know 10 of the many, many things for which I’m thankful this year (and certainly not in order of importance).

1. Chocolate martinis.
2. Still having a job at least through year-end. I know that I can handle whatever is put in front of me.
3. Getting another major holiday with those who realistically may not be here next year (my Mom, Dad, brother-in-law, and Dexter).
4. The ability to see a glass as half full.
5. My weird sisters! (They are all weird!)
6. My weird nieces and nephews! (And, the ones who aren’t weird!)
7. Jep!
8. Grace.
9. Forgiveness.
10. Forever friends.

I could go on and on. My list is pretty obvious. I challenge you all to find thanks in everything and something to love in everyone. Have a wonderful holiday! There is going to be a lot of food at my sister’s house, so if you are in Karlstad and need a great meal and some football (of course, there will be some side-bets), give me a call! There is always space at our table!


dane said...

...and I am thankful for you my dear friend.

kevinf said...

along those lines, here is an essay that my oldest recently wrote. she says it better than i can.


Faith Baldwin says, "Gratitude expresses itself in a sincere thank-you... not for the gifts of this day only, but for the day itself; not for what we believe will be ours in the future, but for the bounty of the past." I am thankful for many things, but I am especially thankful for my family and friends. I give a sincere thank-you for the gifts of my family and friends.

I am thankful for my family because we can have fun together. I can wrestle with my siblings or play another game with my parents. Also, we all could sit somewhere nice and read a book. I love my family and that is why I am thankful for them.

I am thankful for friends because they care about me. I can play with them. Once, I went to my friend Mackenzie's house. We played twister and made bracelets. It was fun. Friends are wonderful. I am very thankful to have them.

I could tell you a whole list of things that I'm thankful for, but that would go on forever. However, I've just told you about two very important things. One is that you must try to be thankful for the good things in the world, and that it is important not to want everything and spoil what you already have. Remember, be thankful!

by Taia Fagerstrom

Budsy Jean said...

Thanks, Dane! I love all of you guys!

Ming, your daugter is wise beyond her years. I can tell by her writing that she is genuinely thankful for non-material things in her life. A lot of children I know would likely put material items at the top of their 'thankful' list. You are very blessed, and your lovely wife and you have obviously done a wise and careful job of raising your children.

It was a really nice Thanksgiving in Karlstad. It was great to spend it with my family. I didn't get to see my brother-in-law much - he wasn't feeling very well. He has another chemo treatment today. Keep him in your prayers, please. The chemo may lengthen his life, but won't cure him. Only prayer can do that!

Marna said...

I'm thankful for all of my wonderful friends and family, too! And, Guitar Hero!!!

dane said...


Are you, like, 12? ;-)

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