Last week, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) got together to make the American public (at least the ones watching C-SPAN or CNN or ...) continue to question the GOP's existence.
A friend of mine e-mailed me this:
Watch this video ... and then ask yourself the following question: If you could've blown up this entire building, killing everyone inside -- except maybe for Ron Paul -- and no one would ever find out, wouldn't you at least have to consider it?Hmmmmm.
So, what happened to this once-grand party? They seem at a loss. But to me, it's so simple: A complete loss of what they stand for. Even if you disagreed with their platform, there was a day when you knew what it was.
I have a confession to make: I'm a registered Republican. I have been since the day I turned 18. I espouse Libertarian views, but have resisted registering LIB because I can't vote in the AZ primary without a major party affiliation.
When I registered, I felt I had a choice of foregoing economic freedom or social freedom. A the time, I opted to retain my economic freedom through supposed lower taxes and took my chances with the social freedoms.
Since that time, I've seen my party of fiscal responsibility pass measures that achieve anything but. I've seen a Democratic president be the only leader capable of balancing our budget and a Republican squander a budget surplus and drive our country into massive debt and near economic ruin. Our own Republican governor in Arizona just suggested the Legislature raise taxes because of the state's "economic situation," completely ignoring the "economic situation" of our state's businesses. Meanwhile, I continue to see government encroach deeper and deeper into our communities, homes and bedrooms.
Thus, my recent voting track record has included Obama (OK, after a Ron Paul vote in the primary), Gov. Napolitano and even John Kerry. The GOP can't endure if it permanently loses a younger generation of voters ... Yet, the rebranding brain trust that's been called in to save the party is led by the same gas bags who've brought it to this point and a new leader who's spent most of his time in his new position arguing with none other than Rush Limbaugh -- one of the many reasons the GOP's devotees have dwindled, I suspect. And still, there is no coherent position: What does party stand for? My best guess is anti-gay-marriage and anti-abortion. That seems to be the only platform of consistent messaging. Can they bring along an entire cohort of voters on these two issues alone? My gut says no, especially now. At least out of the deep south, where those cornerstone issues carry more weight than I can comprehend.
Not that I aspire to see the Republican Party do well in 2012, but for them to do so, a re-branding is in order as well as a massive communications effort to let the country know where they stand and an effort to
act on that message. Curious what you think ... Is there a future for the Republican Party, and what does it look like?